What is Prayer?

Prayer is communicating with God... whether we use words, thoughts, actions or meditate on him.

Prayer connects you to God

It is not a one-way conversation. You talk to God and God talks to you by changing the way you think and feel about things.

We need this prayer connection to God if we are to find the happiness that God wants us to have.

We should try to daily contact Jesus to know him as a living person, not just an idea.

When you pray

  • Praise God and thank Him for all His blessings.
  • Express your love for Him and ask forgiveness for your failures.
  • Speak to God about the problems in your life.
  • Ask for His help to live a life pleasing to Him.

Many people do not have a prayer life. They think God is not interested in their problems. But Jesus says that you are God’s much-loved child and He wants to help you find happiness.

Here are 3 truths about prayer:

  • We need to pray
    Prayer needs to be a priority in our lives. It cannot be something we try to find to do. We should make time for it.
  • We learn to pray by praying
    We just need to start praying. Prayer is something that comes from keeping company with God. It is learning to be loved by God and to accept his grace and mercy.
  • Prayer involves effort
    Prayer is a gift which God gives freely to those who seek it. But we still have to work with Him to receive that gift.

We can only get good at prayer by getting more deeply involved with God and letting Him help us grow into the person He wants us to be.

There are hundreds excuses not to pray, so pick a time you can be faithful to.

Make time for prayer and your life will have direction and purpose.